Why Gulp.js is awesome, and how to use it with Sails.js
A few months ago, the folks over at Fractal, decided to reinvent Grunt. After identifying and fixing the problems with Grunt, they ended up with Gulp.js
And how do you think the internet responded? You’re right, it immediately turned into a flame war. No one wanted to enjoy the fact there was now more choice. Immediately people started parsing Gulp or rejecting it outright.
I’m not going to spoil all the fun. When, lives are not at stake, wars can be fun! I’m here to praise Gulp and tell you why you should probably switch.
Let me start with what isn’t great about Gulp. It can all be attributed to its newness –
- It doesn’t have as many plug-ins
- It doesn’t have as much documentation
- It’s not integrated into popular tools and frameworks like Grunt
- It’s probably hard for people who don’t know any javascript, (but Grunt isn’t any easier)
On the other hand, there are a bunch of things...